Happy Kasumi, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.

If, like Kasumi, you frequently find yourself wandering through dozen of photographers in an bewildered sort of mood, then you may wish to check us out. Our endearing collaboration between film & digital photography will be our signature style & the outcome will be something like this..

Source: http://www.imagegardencapture.com

The Fine Art Of Grainy Images.

Painterly images that gracefully walk the fine line between elegance and edge.

Kodak High-Speed Infrared Film. HIE Black & White Negative Film 135-36.

The Classic Kodak's Professional Tri-X 400 Black and White Negative Film.

Kodak High-Speed Infrared Film. HIE Black & White Negative Film 135-36.

Source: http://www.imagegardencapture.com

A Korean Affair.

Light rain was falling just minute before the solemnization…  Heaven set a tone for a joyful wedding day by clearing the sky and stopping the rain….. u guys up there are simply awesome. 

Combination of Black&White film photography with color on digital. P.S. film was digitally scanned for convenience. Photos by imagegardencapture.com

Source: http://www.imagegardencapture.com